Android Development
Android Development is a two months (16 sessions) course with following course outline:
Day 1- Setting up Android Projects and Virtual Devices
- Introduction to Mobile Development
- The Android SDK
- Setting up the Android Development Environment
- Getting Started — Hello World
- Running “Hello World” Applications in the Emulator
Day 2- Application Layouts
- Creating a Simple Form Application
- Creating an XML Application Layout
- Code to an XML Layout
- Linear Layout
- Relative Layout
- Table Layouts
- Grid Layout
Day 3- Adding Advance controls in Application
- Button Controls
- Check Boxes
- Radio Buttons
- Spinners
- Scrolling
- List Controls
- Labels
- Text Fields
Day 4- Application Structure
- Application Manifest
- Activities and Activity lifecycle
- Explicit Intents
- Implicit intents
Day 5- Menu
- Option menu
- Context menu
- Sub menu
- Creating Menus with XML
- Menu via code
Day 6- User Notifications
- Toasts
- Alerts
- Notifications
Day 7- Styles & Themes.
- Styles.xml
- Drawable resources for shapes, gradients (selectors)
- Style attribute in layout file
- Applying themes via code and manifest file.
Day 8- Working with Media and Built-in Browser.
- Images and Videos.
- Working with the Built-in Browser.
- Handling Orientations.
Day 9- Properties and Event binding.
- Methods and Properties for Controls
- Working with Keyboard Input
Day 10- Exception Handling and Debugging.
- Try and Catch blocks.
- Finally block
- Print variable values on LogCat.
- Breakpoints and Variable watches.
Day 11- Adapters and Widget’s
- Adapters:-
- ArrayAdapters
- BaseAdapters
- ListView and ListActivity
- Custom listview
- Grid View using adapters
- Gallery using adapters
Day 12- SQLite Database
- Creating a DB
- Adding, Updating and Deleting rows
- CursorAdapter
Day 13- Threads
- Threads running on UI thread (runOnUiThread)
- Worker thread
- Handlers & Runnable
- AsynTask (in detail)
Day 14- Permissions and Location based Services.
- Permissions
- Location Based Services
- MapActivity and MapView
Day 15- Building and invoking a web service
- Building and invoking JSON web service.
DAY 16:
- Final Project